Dot peen marking machine is a technology aimed at identifying a product by creating alphanumeric characters or drawings. It is based on the high frequency vibration of a metal punch, which is electronically controlled, so as to affect the chosen material with a succession of micro-points. If your intention is to buy an efficient and quality dot peen marking machine, equipped with advanced mechanical technology and able to meet the most disparate needs, you just need to rely on those who work in the sector with great professionalism, such as Automator Marking Systems.
The dot peen marking technologies offer by Automator Marking Systems are many and capable of responding to the needs of any customer: compact integration devices, bench-top systems, portable micro-point markers and even universal controllers. Whether it is controlled or vibrated micro-dot marking, aspects such as speed and depth make it possible to work on multiple materials such as burnished, wood, ceramic, glass, aluminum, silicon.
Dot peen marking stand out thanks to proprietary software with a flexible interface, which allows a graphic freedom of absolute value: the management of serial numbers, geometric figures, fixed or variable texts, logos, Datamatrix and codes in various formats become customizable aspects. Furthermore, all Automator dot peen marking systems and software are managed thanks to the innovative AC 500 universal controller with 7 ”touch screen display, with USB interface and I / O port: easy to install and use, allows the operator to work simply and quickly, even without specific knowledge of design or planning programs. The creation of programs on the PC is also possible, which can be easily transferred to the AC500 Controller with a USB key or via the USB connection. If the objective is a specific type of engraving, Automator Marking Systems dot peen markers are just right for you.
The Automator Universal Controller AC500, with a 7″ touch screen display, allows an easy and intuitive navigation in the software program, thanks to its stylus pen. Equipped with Serial port, USB interface and I / O connector, located on the rear, the controller is available in both bench and panel version for integrations.
The AC500 coupled with our Automator software allows an intuitive user interface with absolute graphic flexibility. Thanks to the touch screen graphic display, it is easy to navigate and to create messages to be marked and parameters. The preview allows to represent exactly what will be marked and any change in the message will be displayed instantly. The software provides for the creation of messages with the date in various formats, fix or variable texts, codes, serial numbers, Datamatrix and logos. Possible the creation of the programs on the PC (running Windows operating systems), which can be easily transferred to the AC500 controller with USB stick or USB connection.